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Book Keeping & Accounting Services

Book keeping is a process of keeping and maintaining records of financial transaction and financial statements like balance sheet, statement of profit and loss, cash flow statement etc. Keeping proper books of accounts is important as it helps you understand better about your assets and liabilities; it also helps fulfilling many statutory requirements. To maintain proper books of accounts it is always recommend to hire a professional.

We, at GDK & Associates provide the services for preparing Books of Accounts for our various clients as per the requirements of various laws and in compliance with the AS/ Ind AS and related guidance nots of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). These services include preparation of-

  • a) Balance Sheet
  • b) Profit and Loss Statement
  • c) Cash Flow Statement
  • d) Other Ledgers (including Purchase, Sale, Expenses etc. as the case maybe).